stated preference method: 1
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Analysis of Economic Behavior and Software Development by the Stated Preference Method
Using the data analysis environment R
To statistically analyze people's economic behavior, we generally use the results of actual behavior. However, the necessary data may not always be available. In such cases, the stated preference method of questionnaire-based research is useful. We conduct research using the stated preference method and develop the software to implement it.
People engage in economic activities every day, such as purchasing products and deciding what to do for recreation. Elucidating and predicting the factors that influence economic behavior is information that is needed both in academia and practice. The analysis of economic behavior is generally based on statistical data and other data that record actual past behavior, but the necessary data is not always available. In such cases, the stated preference method is useful for collecting and analyzing data by asking questions designed based on economic theory to target people. In addition to conducting empirical research using the stated preference method mainly in agricultural and rural areas (although the scope of application of this method is not limited to agricultural and rural areas), we have developed and released a software package for the data analysis environment R that can be freely used by anyone who is interested in practicing the stated preference method.
Hideo Aizaki Associate Professor