Hokkaido University Research Profiles


17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal: 7

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  • 1. No Poverty
  • 2. Zero Hunger
  • 3. Good Health and Well-being
  • 4. Quality Education
  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 6. Clean Water and Sanitation
  • 7. Affordable and Clean Energy
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
  • 10. Reduced Inequality
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12. Responsible Consumption and Production
  • 13. Climate Action
  • 14. Life Below Water
  • 15. Life on Land
  • 16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
  • 17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal
  • Alpha-defensins Prompting a Paradigm Shift in the Intestinal Environment

    From a scientific understanding of ishoku-dougen (an idea that the same principles underlie a normal diet and medical treatment) to preventive medicine

    The α-defensins secreted by Paneth cells regulate the intestinal microflora and are deeply involved in their elimination and symbiosis. We will evaluate the intestinal environment from the viewpoint that the intestinal environment is defined by the three elements of food, α-defensins and intestinal bacteria, and create a paradigm shift to contribute to the clarification of disease mechanisms and the development of preventive medicine.


    Using isolated small intestinal crypts and enteroids, which are three-dimensional small intestinal epithelial culture systems, we will elucidate the innate immunity of Paneth cells, which are intestinal epithelial cells (that secreteα-defensins), symbiosis with intestinal bacteria, regeneration and differentiation and other molecular mechanisms associated with various functions, taking advantage of state-of-the-art analytical methods such as confocal laser microscopy and flow cytometry. The intestine forms a network between various organs in the body and by analyzing the mechanism of the intestinal environment focused on the function of Paneth cells will make it possible to control the intestinal environment and create preventive measures and treatments for various diseases. From the perspective of the intestines, “food” and “drugs” virtually mean the same thing. We hope to contribute to the realization of a healthy longevity society through industry-academia-community collaboration based on the knowledge we have created.

  • Community Development and Environmental Conservation through Interview Surveys

    Consensus building based on diversity

    Based on fieldwork in the Solomon Islands, Miyagi, and Hokkaido, we are studying the relationship between nature and local communities, and are conducting research on and implement the promotion of environmental conservation and community development from the bottom up. After the Great East Japan Earthquake, we have been conducting research in Ishinomaki City, Miyagi Prefecture, to support reconstruction efforts.


    We are conducting research to apply "interviews" to policies and activities. Local residents, researchers, and students collaborate to investigate people, nature, history, culture, and social issues in local communities, to identify issues, think of solutions, and consider the future of the region. We are practicing and applying the methods of interviewing and verbatim recording as tools for this purpose. We are researching the possibilities of qualitative research (interviews and verbatim recording) as a way of visualizing what cannot be seen in conventional quantitative research (statistics and questionnaires) and workshops, and to build relationships of trust.

  • Creating Appropriate Governance Systems based on Theory and Practice

    Making Our Society Safer and More Secure through Public-Private Collaborations

    Based on my previous case studies on safety and environmental regulatory processes, science and technology policies, and regional developments, I conduct research on how to create appropriate governance systems that contribute to solving public policy problems in introducing and disseminating advanced technologies into society. Governance theory and practice, through collaboration with stakeholders, will undoubtedly help.


    While technology greatly benefits society, it also poses various risks. Therefore, when introducing advanced technology, it is necessary to design governance systems that minimise these risks and to determine the optimal public policies to maximize the benefits.
    In the case of automobiles, the perception of the regulatory policy often differs among stakeholders such as manufacturers, regulators, and users. Regulatory policy is also largely determined by harmonized international standards.
    As such, I define public policy problems in introducing advanced technology into society based on an understanding of the overall picture, seek a place in which stakeholders can reach an agreement, build consensus, and consider how to create governance systems in which the public and private sectors can cooperate.

    Yuichi Murakami Associate Professor
  • Peptide and Glycopeptide Cyclization Technology

    Significant improvement of peptide cyclization efficiency by controlling hydrogen bonds

    By focusing on forming a hydrogen-bond network in the solvent, we have succeeded in both efficient peptide cyclization and improved solubility of poorly soluble peptides. This system can apply to drug discovery and molecular tool design.


    Cyclic peptides are an ideal molecular form for exploring biologically active compounds (drug discovery) and the design of molecular tools in life science. Cyclization of the peptide backbone can control their conformational stability, orientation, and symmetry. However, peptide cyclization requires specific dilution conditions and complex basic protection strategies. We found that combining a hydrogen-bond-controlled solvent system and a base-free condensation agent system enables the efficient cyclization of poorly soluble peptides under highly concentrated conditions. The simplicity of this technology gives a wide range of applications for drug discovery and life sciences by facilitating the free design and mass production of cyclic peptides.

  • Security Certification Technology for Quantum Key Distribution Devices

    Experimental certification of ultimate cryptographic security

    Using quantum key distribution, we can share cryptographic keys via optical communication while maintaining a high level of secrecy, no matter how the technology advances in the future. Through our research, we offer technologies to experimentally guarantee the security of quantum cryptography using an actual device to realize its practical application.


    The quantum key distribution technology has passed the proof‐of‐principle phase, and research is now under way with an eye on its practical application. Since this is a technology to realize the ultimate confidential communication, field tests and other researches on it are conducted worldwide. In our laboratory, we are examining both theoretical and implementation-related aspects on quantum key distribution. In the real world, things do not always go according to the theory, and experimental results sometimes differ from those expected in theory. Our goal is to examine these discrepancies and quantitatively guarantee the security of cryptographic keys produced on real devices. To this end, we are conducting research to fill the gap between the theoretical studies and the actual device development. We believe that this research will open the way to measure and evaluate the behaviors of the actual quantum devices, and finally to realize practical quantum systems, which will contribute to future quantum networks.

  • Technology to Analyze Glycan Patterns Directly from Glycoproteins

    The world's first selective ionization technology for glycans that does not require pretreatment
    (This is a technology for which Hokkaido University is the sole applicant and sole inventor.)

    We have discovered the world's first mass spectrometry technique for selective ionization of glycans in complex macromolecules and mixtures such as glycoproteins and body fluids by the MALDI method. We have also demonstrated that this technique can be used for the direct analysis of glycans in complex mixtures such as egg white and body fluids.


    Glycan patterns on glycoproteins are important biomarkers because they are factors that determine the disposition of protein in the body. Until now, glycan pattern analysis has required complicated operations such as cutting, chemical modification, and purification of glycans. Mass spectrometry is an ultra-sensitive and high-resolution analytical technique that can directly ionize trace amounts of biomolecules. However, there has not been a method to selectively ionize glycoconjugates such as glycoproteins and glycans in complex macromolecules and mixtures such as body fluids, which requires the complicated pretreatment described above. We have achieved the world's first simultaneous selective cleavage and selective ionization of glycoconjugate glycans, and succeeded in the direct analysis of glycan patterns on glycoproteins. We have also demonstrated that this technique can be used to directly analyze glycan patterns in complex mixtures such as egg white.

  • Technology to Create Unique Glycan Derivative Libraries × Microarray Analysis System That Can Be Used Anywhere

    Original library using automated glycan synthesis technology × Microarray technology supporting on-site medical care and research

    Glycan-related interactions are important targets of infectious diseases and cancer diagnosis. We have developed a microarray system that can be used anywhere to utilize the libraries of glycans, glycoconjugates, glycan-related inhibitors, and their derivatives that have been constructed and accumulated in the process of developing automated glycan synthesis technology.


    Microarray technology is a technology that enables simultaneous comparative analysis of the interaction between a large number of compound libraries with well-defined structures and sequences and sample components. We also have the most advanced technology to design and produce our own carbohydrate compound libraries as molecules for microarray analysis based on our automated carbohydrate synthesis technology. The interaction information possessed by carbohydrates is widely used as biomarkers for in vitro diagnostics, such as blood types, serotypes such as O157, and cancer diagnostic markers (CAxx). In addition, we have succeeded in developing an independently powered mobile analyzer that can be used for online diagnosis, such as analysis of infection patterns associated with mutations in infectious diseases and detailed analysis of vaccine effects, by performing specimen collection and microarray analysis on the spot using a smartphone as a terminal.