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Life Sciences: 41
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- Life Sciences
- Information and Communication
- Nanotechnology / Materials
- Manufacturing Technology
- Human and Social Sciences
- Energy
- Environment
- Tourism / Community development
- Arctic Research
- Social Infrastructure
- Open Facilities
Equipment for Simultaneous Optimization of Quality and Quantity of Liquid Ice for Freshness PreservationAssociate Professor, Naoto TsubouchiPostdoctoral Fellow, Yuji Shinohara
MIRASAL, a Device for Visualizing the Freshness of and Best Timing for Eating Food AnimalsAssociate Professor, Naoto TsubouchiPostdoctoral Fellow, Yuji Shinohara
Metabolism of Biological Components and Pre-symptomatic DisorderProfessor, Satoshi Ishizuka
A New Model of Aging by Decreased Protein MetabolismAssociate Professor, Utano Tomaru
Application of Adhesive Gels to Intraoral DevicesLecturer, Tomoo Kaneko
Basic Research to Design Healthy Life Rhythms Considering Biological ClocksAssociate Professor, Yujiro Yamanaka
Classification of Genetic Information Using Machine LearningProfessor, Toshinori Endo
Coherent Raman Scattering EndoscopeProfessor, Mamoru Hashimoto
Controlling Plants with RootsAssociate Professor, Masaaki Watahiki
Development of a Compact Dosimeter Using an Optical FiberProfessor, Masayori Ishikawa
Development of a Method to Prevent Post-Thoracic Surgery Atrial Fibrillation Using CarnitineLecturer, Yasushige Shingu
Development of novel control strategies for intractable diseases in animalsProfessor, Satoru Konnai
Development of Novel Inhibitors Targeting the Receptor-Bound Prorenin SystemProfessor, Susumu Ishida
Development of Reagents for Highly Efficient Transfection of siRNA into Immune Cells and Their Application to Cancer ImmunotherapyAssistant Professor, Takashi Nakamura
Development of Therapeutic Agents and Biomarkers for Stress-induced DiseasesProfessor, Masaaki Murakami
Discovery and Application of a Novel Enzyme Capping the N-Terminus of PeptidesProfessor, Tohru Dairi
Elucidation and Application of New Functions of Food by Evaluating the Intestinal EnvironmentAssociate Professor, Kiminori Nakamura
Elucidation of Nutrient Sensing Mechanisms in the Digestive TractAssociate Professor, Tohru Hira
Establishment of Precision Medicine Targeting Cancer Stem Cells Using Synthetic Polymer GelsProfessor, Shinya Tanaka
Flexible and Strong GelProfessor, Jian Ping Gong