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Life Sciences: 43
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- Life Sciences
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- Tourism / Community development
- Arctic Research
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Flexible and Strong GelProfessor, Jian Ping Gong
Functional Modification of Food ProteinsProfessor, Hiroki Saeki
Health Benefit of Red Algae PhycobiliproteinProfessor, Hideki Kishimura
High Strength Gel That Spontaneously Bonds Strongly with Bone TissueAssociate Professor, Takayuki Nonoyama
Hyperpolarized 13C MRI for Genetic Mutation ImagingAssociate Professor, Shingo Matsumoto
In Vivo Nucleic Acid Delivery System Based on the Development of Unique Functional LipidsAssistant Professor, Yusuke Sato
Inhibition of Water Freezing by PolyphenolsAssociate Professor, Keita Arakawa
Liposomal Bioluminescence ImmunoassayAssociate Professor, Hirofumi Tani
MALDI Matrix for Sensitive and High-Resolution Structural Analysis of Unmodified Sialylated Glycans and GlycoconjugatesProfessor, Hiroshi Hinou
Micro-/nano-patterns Created with BiomaterialsAssociate Professor, Tsukasa Akasaka
Mitochondria-targeted Nanocapsules (MITO-Porter)Professor, Yuma Yamada
Modification of Protein Translation Efficiency by Introducing Untranslated Region SequencesAssociate Professor, Motoaki Yasuda
Non-invasive Identification of Cancer Cells by Phase Contrast MeasurementProfessor, Mutsumi Takagi
Peptide and Glycopeptide Cyclization TechnologyProfessor, Hiroshi Hinou
Reduce Stress on the Liver to Prevent Liver Disease!Professor, Michitaka Ozaki
Rheumatoid AI Diagnostic ResearchProfessor, Tamotsu Kamishima
Sonoporation: Development of a New Drug Delivery Method Using Ultrasound and MicrobubblesAssociate Professor, Nobuki Kudo
Susceptibility Testing of Molecular-targeted Therapeutic DrugsProfessor, Yusuke Ohba
Technology to Analyze Glycan Patterns Directly from GlycoproteinsProfessor, Hiroshi Hinou
Technology to Create Unique Glycan Derivative Libraries × Microarray Analysis System That Can Be Used AnywhereProfessor, Hiroshi Hinou