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Information and Communication: 31
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Theme Icons
- Life Sciences
- Information and Communication
- Nanotechnology / Materials
- Manufacturing Technology
- Human and Social Sciences
- Energy
- Environment
- Tourism / Community development
- Arctic Research
- Social Infrastructure
- Open Facilities
Nano Knowledge Exploration ProjectProfessor, Masaharu Yoshioka
A method to evaluate radio wave propagation characteristics of in-vehicle wireless access services by large-scale electromagnetic field analysisAssociate Professor, Takashi Hikage
Academic IntercloudProfessor, Masaharu Munetomo
Accelerometer to Identify Where You StumbleProfessor, Mineichi Kudo
Advanced Optical Communication Technology, the Core of the Next-generation Ultrahigh-speed Communication NetworkProfessor, Kunimasa Saitoh
An Idea-supporting Multimedia Search SystemProfessor, Miki Haseyama
AR Communication SystemProfessor, Yoshiaki Takai
Communication Robot SystemProfessor, Tetsuo Ono
Communication-avoidant Matrix Calculation AlgorithmAssociate Professor, Takeshi Fukaya
Developing Interfaces that Read Users’ IntentionsProfessor, Masahito YamamotoAssociate Professor, Hiroyuki Iizuka
Development of an Electronic Holographic HMD DeviceProfessor, Yuji Sakamoto
Development of Mathematical Algorithms for Biomedical Optical ImagingAssociate Professor, Hiroyuki Hujii
Estimating the State of Radio Waves Using the Compressed Sensing MethodProfessor, Toshihiko NishimuraProfessor, Takeo Ohgane
Event Information Recommendation SystemProfessor, Hidenori Kawamura
High Value-added Media Information and Communication TechnologyAssistant Professor, Naofumi Aoki
High-precision Acoustic Position Recognition, Time Synchronization, Selective Flickerless Visible Light CommunicationProfessor, Masanori Sugimoto
Low-power A/D Converters for SensingProfessor, Masayuki Ikebe
Mathematical Analysis Techniques for Information Science and EngineeringProfessor, Akira Tanaka
Multimedia Artificial Intelligence Technology Reaching Social ImplementationProfessor, Takahiro OgawaProfessor, Miki Haseyama
Next-generation Visualization Technology for Sports ContentAssociate Professor, Sho Takahashi