- Life Sciences
- Information and Communication
- Nanotechnology / Materials
- Manufacturing Technology
- Human and Social Sciences
- Energy
- Environment
- Tourism / Community development
- Arctic Research
- Social Infrastructure
- Open Facilities
Human and Social Sciences: 15
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Theme Icons
- Life Sciences
- Information and Communication
- Nanotechnology / Materials
- Manufacturing Technology
- Human and Social Sciences
- Energy
- Environment
- Tourism / Community development
- Arctic Research
- Social Infrastructure
- Open Facilities
Analysis of Economic Behavior and Software Development by the Stated Preference MethodAssociate Professor, Hideo Aizaki
Booklet Version of Hokkaido University Research Profile,
Building Relationships with People in Greater ChinaSpecially Appointed Professor, Kohei Watanabe
Cooperation and Value Creation in Community-based WorkspacesAssociate Professor, Tadashi Uda
Creating Appropriate Governance Systems based on Theory and PracticeAssociate Professor, Yuichi Murakami
Developing Applications of GIS and Geospatial InformationProfessor, Yuichi Hashimoto
Development of the Evaluation Framework and Methods for MuseumsProfessor, Toru Sasaki
Hokkaido University Research Profile Website,
Improving E-learning and Opening up EducationAssociate Professor, Katsusuke Shigeta
Modern and Contemporary Economic History of HokkaidoProfessor, Asahiko Shirakizawa
Process Design for Social Decision MakingProfessor, Susumu Ohnuma
Research on Internal Communication in OrganizationsProfessor, Atsushi Tsujimoto
Research on Organizational Strategy Through Public Relations, Marketing, and CSRSpecially Appointed Professor, Naoya Ito
Techniques for Listening to Opinions That Are Difficult to Express VerballyProfessor, Jun-ichiro Kawahara
Utilize Archaeological Sites as Cultural and Regional ResourcesProfessor, Yasushi Kosugi