Life Sciences
Information and Communication
Nanotechnology / Materials
Manufacturing Technology
Human and Social Sciences
Tourism / Community development
Arctic Research
Social Infrastructure
Open Facilities
Energy: 14
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Theme Icons
Life Sciences
Information and Communication
Nanotechnology / Materials
Manufacturing Technology
Human and Social Sciences
Tourism / Community development
Arctic Research
Social Infrastructure
Open Facilities
All-solid-state Lithium Secondary Battery with an Inorganic Solid ElectrolyteProfessor, Kiyoharu Tadanaga
Analysis of Thermo-acoustic Vibration Generated by Combustion EquipmentProfessor, Osamu Fujita
Development of Gd?Si?O?-based High-performance Scintillators and Their ApplicationAssociate Professor, Junichi H. Kaneko
Development of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells with Excellent Sub-zero Start-up PerformanceProfessor, Yutaka Tabe
Development of Structural Materials for Fusion and High Energy ReactorsProfessor, Naoyuki Hashimoto
Elucidation of Combustion Phenomena Using Microgravity FieldsProfessor, Osamu Fujita
Fire-safety Improvement Technology for Lithium-ion BatteriesProfessor, Osamu Fujita
Geothermal Resource Monitoring and Risk Assessment of Induced EarthquakesProfessor, Hiroaki Takahashi
High-temperature Latent Heat Storage MicrocapsulesProfessor, Takahiro Nomura
Monitoring the Output of Renewable Energy Generation and Measures Against Output FluctuationsProfessor, Hiroyuki KitaAssociate Professor, Ryoichi Hara
Multi -beam Ultra-high Voltage Electron Microscope and Materials ResearchProfessor, Tamaki ShibayamaProfessor, Seiichi Watanabe
Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat TransferAssociate Professor, Akiyoshi Kuroda
Stable and Practical Oxide Thermoelectric Conversion MaterialsProfessor, Hiromichi Ohta
Web Ground Club, which is a cloud-based geothermal heat pump design and performance prediction program, and Japan's Nationwide 3D Grid Strata DatabaseProfessor, Katsunori Nagano