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- Life Sciences
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- Tourism / Community development
- Arctic Research
- Social Infrastructure
- Open Facilities
Uncovering the relationships among air pollution (aerosols, PM2.5), wildfires, snow and ice, and climate change in the Arctic and cryosphere for a sustainable society in the future!Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Teppei J. Yasunari
Ecosystem Restoration of Disturbed AreasProfessor, Shiro Tsuyuzaki
A New Plant Growth Promotion Technology That Stimulates GrowthProfessor, Masaaki Morikawa
Capturing and Insolubilization of Cesium by AluminosilicatesAssociate Professor, Yasumasa Tojo
Catalytic Purification of Nitrate-nitrogen Contaminated WaterProfessor, Yuichi Kamiya
Control of Sedimentation and Diffusion Behavior Using the Collectivity of Particles in LiquidAssociate Professor, Shusaku Harada
Detoxification and Removal of Nitrogen from Carbon Resources Using NanoparticlesAssociate Professor, Naoto Tsubouchi
Development of Den-type Traps to Reduce the Cost of Non-native Raccoon ControlEmeritus Professor, Tohru Ikeda
Environmentally Friendly Marine Biofouling Prevention Compounds Derived from BiomassAssociate Professor, Taiki Umezawa
Exploration of Marine Phytoplankton from SpaceSpecially Appointed Associate Professor, Takafumi Hirata
Research on Biomass Utilization as a Socio-Technical SystemsProfessor, Kazuei Ishii, Toru Furuichi
Simple Pathogen Measuring DevicesProfessor, Hisashi Satoh
Structural Analysis of Polysaccharides and Proteins That Cause Membrane FoulingProfessor, Katsuki Kimura