Monoploid: 1
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Understanding the Effects of Monoploidy on Animal Individual Development
Toward the establishment of a single-fold system control technology for industrial use
It is aimed to elucidate the mechanism by which the monoploid state, which has only one set of genomes, causes serious disorders in the development of individual animals, and to establish a technology for creating monoploid individuals that can be used for genetic engineering and strain improvement.
The cells that make up the body of an animal cell are diploid, having two sets of genomes, one maternal and one paternal. In contrast, unfertilized eggs, which normally do not proliferate as such, become monoploid embryos with only the maternal genome, when they are activated to induce individual development (monogenesis). If monoploid individuals can be obtained from them, it will be very useful for genetic engineering and pure line creation. However, in vertebrates in general, monoploid embryos die due to the early developmental abnormality called “hemiparity syndrome,” so the use of monoploid embryo technology has not been realized yet. Using human cultured cells and early mouse embryos as models, we aim to clarify the effects of the monoploid state on developmental processes at the cellular level using molecular cell biology techniques. Based on these results, we aim to establish a cell manipulation method to eliminate the hemiploidy syndrome and to create viable monoploid individuals with stable traits.
Ryota Uehara Associate Professor