Steam/water multiphase jet cleaning: 1
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Steam/Water Mixture Spray Cleaning Method with an Ultra-low Impact on the Environment
An ultraprecise and safe cleaning method making use of the physical action of steam and water and no chemicals.
We have developed an innovative cleaning method using a completely new vapor-water multiphase spray method, whereby water and steam are mixed and sprayed at high speed from a nozzle. This method is especially notable for not using any chemicals and minimizing the burden on the environment.
We have confirmed that the specified performance can be achieved with ultra-precision cleaning during semiconductor manufacturing processes, etc.Research
Based on our previous research results, we have discovered that when a droplet hits a solid surface in a condensable gas (not air), splashing is suppressed and a thin liquid film (lamella) spreads on the solid surface at high speed. Since the high-speed lamellae may generate a strong fluid shear force, it seemed possible to use a mixed jet of steam and water to realize an environmentally friendly cleaning method.
Based on our previous research results, we have confirmed that this cleaning method, which uses only water and steam, can achieve the specified cleaning performance for ultra-precision cleaning required in the manufacturing processes of semiconductors, LEDs, and solar cells. This cleaning method is also safe both for the human body and the environment, because it uses only water and steam instead of detergents or other chemicals that are harmful to the human body.Masao Watanabe Professor