cooperation: 1
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- Open Facilities
Cooperation and Value Creation in Community-based Workspaces
Development process of coworking
In recent years, working systems of individuals who do not necessarily have the same occupation or affiliation but interact and cooperate with each other according to the situation in organizations and local communities, as well as the workplaces that they share, have been attracting attention. This research is aimed to clarify the process of cooperation and value creation in such workplaces.
The purpose of this study is to elucidate the process of cooperation and value creation in a community-type workspace. A community-type workspace is an open workspace where individuals share information and knowledge with other through communication, and create value through collaboration according to the situation. A coworking space is a typical example of such a place, and in recent years, it has been becoming more and more popular in Europe, the U.S., and the rest of the world. In the background, there is a movement of questioning the highly uniform interaction and cooperation among members in closed spaces, a system that is still dominant in organizations and local communities, and to achieve both individual autonomy and solidarity. This research is expected to provide knowledge that will contribute to the design and operation of such workspaces, as well as their organizational and social utilization, which are still largely unknown.
Tadashi Uda Associate Professor