recognition and modeling of the environment: 1
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Recognition and Modeling Technology for Laser Scanned Point Clouds
Toward more sophisticated analysis, maintenance and management, and planning of environments and structures where human activity takes place
We are developing theories and algorithms for point cloud processing to automatically recognize and create 3D models of objects and structures that exist in environments where human activity takes place, such as rooms, roads, pole-like objects (utility poles and street lights), street trees, and buildings, from 3D laser scanned point clouds.
We are researching technologies for the automatic recognition and modeling of objects and structures in indoor and outdoor environments from point clouds obtained by ground-based and vehicle-mounted 3D laser scanning systems, as well as basic point cloud data processing methods. The objects to be recognized and modeled include a wide range of arbitrarily shaped objects, rooms, pole-like objects such as utility poles and street lights, trees, road surfaces, and buildings. In addition to the technology of generating mesh models, polygon models, and CAD models from point clouds, we also conduct research on point cloud registration, segmentation, shape feature extraction, machine learning, and procedural object recognition that serves as the foundation for the technology. This technology enables detailed recognition and analysis of the environment and structures, maintenance and management, various simulations and improvement plans using 3D models that faithfully reflect the current state.
Hiroaki Date Associate Professor