1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal
13. Climate Action: 23
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20 50 No Page Break
Theme Icons
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships to achieve the Goal
Uncovering the relationships among air pollution (aerosols, PM2.5), wildfires, snow and ice, and climate change in the Arctic and cryosphere for a sustainable society in the future!Specially Appointed Associate Professor, Teppei J. Yasunari
Ecosystem Restoration of Disturbed AreasProfessor, Shiro Tsuyuzaki
Elucidation and Application of Ecosystem Recovery Mechanisms after Large-scale FiresProfessor, Shiro Tsuyuzaki
A New Plant Growth Promotion Technology That Stimulates GrowthProfessor, Masaaki Morikawa
Analysis of Thermo-acoustic Vibration Generated by Combustion EquipmentProfessor, Osamu Fujita
Creation of Highly Active Catalysts Using Polystyrene-bridged Bisphosphine LigandsProfessor, Masaya Sawamura
Detoxification and Removal of Nitrogen from Carbon Resources Using NanoparticlesAssociate Professor, Naoto Tsubouchi
Development of a Non-destructive CT-XRD Coupling Method and Its ApplicationProfessor, Takafumi Sugiyama
Development of Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells with Excellent Sub-zero Start-up PerformanceProfessor, Yutaka Tabe
Elucidation of Combustion Phenomena Using Microgravity FieldsProfessor, Osamu Fujita
Exploring Strategies for Coexistence between Indigenous Siberians and WildlifeAssistant Professor, Shirow Tatsuzawa
Fire-safety Improvement Technology for Lithium-ion BatteriesProfessor, Osamu Fujita
Glacier Ice Sheet-Ocean Interactions in GreenlandProfessor, Shin Sugiyama
Glowing PlanktonAssociate Professor, Atsushi Yamaguchi
Infrared Metamaterials Produced by Microfabrication of High Temperature Resistant MaterialsProfessor, Toshihiro Shimada
Mass Production of Nanofibrillated Bacterial CelluloseAssociate Professor, Kenji Tajima
Molecular-level In-situ Optical Observation of Ice Crystal SurfacesProfessor, Gen Sazaki
Monitoring the Output of Renewable Energy Generation and Measures Against Output FluctuationsProfessor, Hiroyuki KitaAssociate Professor, Ryoichi Hara
Production of High-purity SodiumProfessor, Mikito Ueda
Remote Sensing of Ground Deformation in the ArcticProfessor, Masato Furuya