Hokkaido University Research Profiles

Human and Social Sciences

Development of the Evaluation Framework and Methods for Museums

Revealing social and economic values and experimenting with participatory evaluation

Self-evaluation of museums within an appropriate framework is necessary to obtain hints for learning and improvement, and promote information disclosure. With this study, we will examine the framework and evaluation methods together with museum staff, and support the process until the actual operation of evaluation activities.

Content of research

Our research is aimed to communicate the value of museums to society at large through evaluation and to establish the recognition of such value. Conventional evaluation methods have focused only on the academic and cultural values that visitors gain from a museum. As a result, the evaluation results were only conveyed to a limited number of museum workers and enthusiasts. Their contribution to business improvement has also been insignificant.
In this research, we will examine an evaluation framework (see figure) and methods that focus on social and economic values created by the existence of museums in local communities, including many non-visitors, and disclose these values. In addition, we will try various evaluation methods, such as participatory evaluation, which is effective for learning and improvement, and use them to improve our projects. Through these efforts, it will be possible for museums to become more everyday places for citizens and an indispensable part of local communities.

  • The exchange relationship between the museum and its visitors and the local community

Potential for social implementation

  • ・Activities of the Evaluation Working Group of the Hokkaido Council of Museums
  • ・Proposal of an evaluation system for the Shizuoka Prefectural Museum of Art
  • ・Support for the development of an evaluation system for museums in Mie Prefecture
  • ・Implementation of evaluation works by the Higashiomi City Museum Group, Shiga Prefecture

Appealing points to industry and local governments

Concerning individual museums, it is always personal dialogue with museum staff that leads to the applications shown on the left. If I can provide what the museum lacks and needs, and the museum staff can provide what I need, then I can start an evaluation project.
