Hokkaido University Research Profiles

Human and Social Sciences

Creating Appropriate Governance Systems based on Theory and Practice

Yuichi Murakami Associate Professor

Making Our Society Safer and More Secure through Public-Private Collaborations

Based on my previous case studies on safety and environmental regulatory processes, science and technology policies, and regional developments, I conduct research on how to create appropriate governance systems that contribute to solving public policy problems in introducing and disseminating advanced technologies into society. Governance theory and practice, through collaboration with stakeholders, will undoubtedly help.

Content of research

While technology greatly benefits society, it also poses various risks. Therefore, when introducing advanced technology, it is necessary to design governance systems that minimise these risks and to determine the optimal public policies to maximize the benefits.
In the case of automobiles, the perception of the regulatory policy often differs among stakeholders such as manufacturers, regulators, and users. Regulatory policy is also largely determined by harmonized international standards.
As such, I define public policy problems in introducing advanced technology into society based on an understanding of the overall picture, seek a place in which stakeholders can reach an agreement, build consensus, and consider how to create governance systems in which the public and private sectors can cooperate.

  • This is a deliverable of my research, published in May 2016 (ISBN: 9784000611213). How do regulatory bodies in government seek to obtain discretion amid the international harmonisation of regulatory standards, decentralisation of technical information, and pluralization of public-private relations? How do these phenomena transform the structure of the global regulatory space? I analysed the regulatory process of setting technical standards and implementing them for the safety of wooden buildings, small-sized automobiles, and electrical appliances.

  • This collection (ISBN: 9784832968257), published in April 2016, contains the results of my research on the reorganisation of science and technology ministries during the Central Government Ministerial Reform in 2001. The previous Science and Technology Agency was partly taken over by the newly built Cabinet Office and partly merged with the former Ministry of Education to form the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). Whether the function of silo management in coordinating inter-ministerial STI policies is strengthened depends on future operations.

  • This is a deliverable of my joint research on regional development, published in July 2018 (ISBN: 9784000238953). Based on the results of interviews with local government policymakers in Hokkaido and Shikoku, I first argued that recent regional development possesses both decentralised and centralised aspects. I then compared Japan's postwar national land policy (that is, relieving over-concentration on the Tokyo Metropolitan Area) with the recent cabinet-led regional development, and considered its ideal future.
    Moreover, I have meaningful results from (1) my comparative STI policy study among Japan, France, and the European Union, (2) inter-governmental relations and a political institution study on the coronavirus pandemic crisis management, and (3) effective implementation research on international treaties to attain global public interest.

Potential for social implementation

  • ・Defining public policy problems, grasping the overall picture, and building consensus among stakeholders in introducing advanced technologies
  • ・Creating and implementing governance systems that contribute to making society safer and more secure
  • ・Creating governance systems based on comparisons with domestic and foreign cases

Appealing points to industry and local governments

I was fortunate to have interesting discussions with many practitioners and engineers while conducting case studies on various governance phenomena. I strive to create governance systems which are appropriately designed and implemented through dialogue among stakeholders from various fields and backgrounds (e.g., public, and private, practitioners and experts, humanities, and sciences).
