Hokkaido University Research Profiles

Life Sciences

A New Model of Aging by Decreased Protein Metabolism

Aging causes a variety of metabolic changes. A physical condition of so-called “decreased metabolism” increases the risk of aging, lifestyle-related diseases, and aging-related disorders. We have developed a mouse model that demonstrates aging due to decreased protein metabolism.

Content of research

Proteasomes, which are responsible for the degradation of intracellular proteins, are expressed in cells across species and are important for the maintenance of biological functions. Proteasome activity is decreased in older individuals, and the aging-related loss of proteasome function is involved in the development of aging and aging-related diseases. With this study, we created a mouse model in which proteasome activity is decreased and aging occurs. When this model is exposed to a high-fat diet, fatty liver is exacerbated, and when exposed to tobacco smoke, pulmonary diseases occur. By applying this model, we can elucidate the protein abnormalities and target molecules that cause various human diseases.

Potential for social implementation

  • Search for aging biomarkers
  • Search for predictive biomarkers of disease onset

Appealing points to industry and local governments

The development of new biomarkers and medicines that aim to extend the healthy life expectancy, such as the prediction of disease onset and prevention of serious diseases, is important for future medical care, and research and development using this model is expected to have a wide range of medical applications.
